Carriage Crest PTSA Standing Rules


  1. The name of this unit shall be CARRIAGE CREST PTSA: LOCAL UNIT 9.7.3.

  2. This unit is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, recognized by the State of Washington on June 4, 1990. It is the responsibilities of this unit to annually renew the Articles of Incorporation prior to June 30th. The incorporation # is 2-428774-0. The National PTA number assigned to this unit is #025486.

  3. This unit shall keep at least two (2) copies of each of its legal documents in two (2) separate locations. One with the Secretary and one with the Treasurer.

  4. The membership service fees for this unit shall be $15.00 per person, $28.00 for two, which includes $9.25 per person for National, State and Council service fees.

  5. The students of Carriage Crest Elementary School shall be considered honorary members of this unit without voice, vote, or privilege of holding office. While attending PTSA family events, family members attending with their children shall be considered honorary members of this unit without voice, vote, or privilege of holding office.

  6. The Nominating Committee shall be elected at a general membership meeting at least 30 days prior to election of officers. Fifteen (15) days previous notice of election nominees shall be given the general membership according to the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws.

  7. Any elected position may be held jointly by two (2) people. Each co-position holder shall be entitled to voice and vote at board and general membership meetings. The elected officers of the unit shall be (1) President, (1) President-elect, (2) Co-Vice Presidents–Programs, (2) Co-Vice Presidents-Fundraising, Legislative Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee. Election of these officers shall be prior to April 1st.

    1. The elected officers each serve a two (2) year term, but can serve only two (2) consecutive years in the same position. If after the 2yr term is served, and no one volunteers for the open elected positions, the current officer may be elected for additional terms by a vote of the general membership. 

    2. A majority of the currently filled Executive Committee positions will constitute a quorum.

    3. The Executive Committee (elected officers) shall meet when necessary or at the discretion of the president.

    4. Each member of the Executive Committee (elected officers) shall attend at least one training during each year they hold office. These trainings may include, but are not limited to, WSPTA Spring or Fall Region Conference, PTA and the Law, WSPTA Convention, WSPTA Leadership conference, WSPTA Legislative Assembly, WSPTA Emerging Leaders Conference, or onsite training provided by a service delivery team member.

    5. The Executive Committee (elected officers) shall send a representative to attend each Kent Area Council General Board Meeting and Kent School Board Meeting , reporting back to the CCPTSA Board of Directors, as long as there is no conflict with a scheduled CCPTSA meeting.

  8. The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers and appointed representatives. Board meetings of this unit shall be the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee.

    1. The Board of Directors of this PTA shall consist of the elected officers and the chairs of the following standing committees: Communications, Membership, Outreach, Volunteer Coordinator and Website.

    2. A majority of the currently filled Board of Director positions will constitute a quorum.

    3. Each member is entitled to only one vote at board and general membership meetings regardless of the number of positions held.

  9. General membership meetings of the unit shall be held on the third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee with 10 days notice to the membership. There shall be at least three (3) meetings during the year with the Executive Committee determining exact dates. The general membership meeting in February shall be the Annual Meeting. All meetings may be held in person or virtually at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

    1. For general membership meetings a quorum shall be ten (10) current members.

    2. Special General Membership meetings may be called by 5% of the membership enrolled in the WSPTA database. The person calling the special meeting must provide notification to all members in accordance with state law.

    3. Courtesy seats are open to anyone at meetings, but voice and vote is a privilege of membership.

  10. The Executive Committee shall recruit and appoint committee chairpersons.

  11. Standing committees are defined as those which are active year round, and may include but are not limited to:

    Art Docent


    Staff Appreciation



    Volunteer Coordinator

    Emergency Preparedness






  12. Special Committees may include but not be limited to:

Awards & Recognition

Financial Review

Science Fair

Book Fair

Math Mania

Student Directory

Dad's Volunteer Day

RAD Reading

Variety Show

Family Events


Welcome Back to School

  1. Special Committee Chairpersons shall attend the Board meetings the month prior, the month of, and the month after their respective event. If unable to attend, a written report must be submitted to the President prior to the Board meeting. An evaluation form shall be completed for their binder and a copy submitted to the President.

    1. If a Committee Chair consistently fails to provide a report, whether in writing or in person, the Executive Committee reserves the right to reevaluate the chair position.

  2. All Committee Chairpersons shall be current PTSA members. All Committee Chairpersons shall serve only two (2) consecutive years in the same position unless the position is unfilled.

  3. All financial matters and binding agreements (contracts) shall require two (2) signatures, both being elected Officers.

    1. All checks are to be signed by two (2) elected officers, one of whom shall be the treasurer. The two signers must not reside in the same house or be related to one another.

    2. In accordance with WSPTA bylaws, use of a PTSA debit card, credit card, ATM card, or online banking to disburse funds is not allowed.

  4. The Treasurer shall be required to present a written monthly report to the executive committee, board of directors and committee chairs, with a copy available to all members by posting at the school, on the website.

  5. Unbudgeted purchases over $250.00 require the approval of the General Membership.

  6. Any Committee budget needing adjustments over $25.00 will be brought to the Board of Directors for approval. Each committee will present to the Board of Directors a proposed spending plan for their budget, to be approved before any reimbursement of funds will be given. The Board is to approve committee spending plans on an ongoing basis, in accordance with WSPTA bylaws.

  7. All teacher/staff requests must be written on a PTSA Request Form. Requests of current Carriage Crest PTSA members will be given priority.

  8. Any advertisement presented for consideration from the PTSA must have an educational purpose.

  9. The official publication of Carriage Crest PTSA shall be called “The Howler”. Carriage Crest PTSA weekly announcements shall be called “The Yelper”. Publication deadlines and date of issue for the Howler will be set by the Communications Chairperson and the Executive Committee.

  10. The Budget Committee, consisting of outgoing and incoming elected officers shall prepare and present the new budget for review by the Board of Directors and approval by the general membership at the last General Meeting, prior to June 30th.

  11. The Standing Rules Review Committee, consisting of incoming and outgoing Presidents and any interested members, shall review and prepare the Standing Rules for review by the Board of Directors and approval by the General Membership at the last General Meeting, prior to June 30th.

  12. The Standing Rules may be amended at any regular General meeting by a two-third (2/3) vote of the members in attendance, or if previous notice is given, by a majority vote.

  13. The Golden Acorn, Outstanding Educator and/or Outstanding Advocate Awards may be given each year. Recipient(s) shall be selected from nominations by the General Membership, and awards given prior to the Kent Area PTA Council’s Founders Day Dinner.

    1. The Board of Directors will select recipients at a special meeting.

    2. Board members will excuse themselves from voting on an award if nominated.

  14. Voting delegates to Kent Area PTA Council shall be the President and President-Elect and two (2) delegates elected by the Board of Directors.

  15. The Vote of this unit for the office of Regional Director shall be by the Board of Directors’ action.

  16. Voting delegates to the Annual State PTA Convention shall be elected by the Board of Directors prior to April 1st, with preference given to incoming and outgoing Presidents.

  17. Voting delegate to the Legislative Assembly shall be the Legislative Chairperson, unless otherwise designed by the Board of Directors.

  18. Any person writing NSF checks will be required to pay all bank charges associated with those NSF checks. If a person has more than one NSF check, the PTSA has the right to require that the person pay only with cash or money order for future purchases.

  19. All funds paid toward Emergency Preparedness are to be held for that purpose only. For any year in which no supplies are purchased, funds collected that year will be added to the budget line for the committee in the following year, to be used when needed to replace or purchase Emergency Supplies.

  20. All funds donated to CCPTSA for the purpose of purchasing or sponsoring a PTSA Membership must be set aside in a fund dedicated to that purpose. Only those funds donated to that fund are to be used to purchase or pay for membership. This is in accordance with IRS policy and WSPTA bylaws.In accordance with WSPTA bylaws, no member may serve on the Nominating Committee for more than one (1) consecutive year, and no member may serve on the Financial Review Committee for more than two (2) consecutive years.

  21. Debit and secured credit cards
    1.  Debit or secured credit cards will only be issued to an authorized signer on the bank accounts as indicated in the local PTA standing rules. Signers should not be related or living in the same household.
    2. Debit and secured credit cards can be used to disburse PTA funds in accordance with the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.
    3. For secured credit cards, the credit limit should not exceed half of the total income in the budget approved at the annual meeting.
    4. If a card is lost or stolen, it should be cancelled, and the account should be reconciled by a non-signer to identify any unauthorized transactions.
    5. Upon the end of the cardholding officer’s term, or upon their resignation or removal from office, the card should be surrendered to the local PTA or council and destroyed. If a resignation or removal occurs outside of the end of a standard term, a financial reconciliation shall be performed immediately by a non-signer.
    6. Debit and/or secured credit cards should be associated with the PTA or council as a business and not tied to a single individual
    7. The non-signer bank statement reviewer should also review additional monthly statements associated with secured credit card accounts. The non-signer should not be a person living with or related to someone who is a signer on the account
    8. All receipts for purchases used with a debit or credit card must be turned into the PTA Treasurer for financial records.
  • These bylaws were updated on January 16, 2025 by a vote of the general membership.